Sells on the go is unique because handbags and accessories are bought, sold and traded locally with customers. Email pictures of your former favorites for trade or cash on the spot! Our ever-changing inventory includes designer Handbags, vintage, leather, current basics and one-of-a-kind items. You'll also find brand new merchandise and accessories.
Sells On The Go is located only on the web, minimizing pollution, congestion, habitat loss and urban sprawl. 80% of our Handbags and accessories are bought directly from local customers. Sells On The Go offers merchandise for both men and women and is more fashionable than your regular thrift store. We hand pick the most desirable items from the public that can be resold. Our prices range widely depending on the label, style, condition and other factors. Many items average around $75. Designer items are higher in price, but our prices are far lower than retail.
Selling for the first time? Call Sells On The GO at 630-410-9993 and ask what they're currently buying to get an idea of what we're looking for.Send pictures of merchandise anytime we're open . Let us know it's your first time selling to us, and we'll walk you through the process. Sells On The Go is consignment store -- if we accept your items, you can get cash or trade on the spot. You'll get the most money for your items if you're willing to accept trade instead of cash for your items.
Sells On The Go is located only on the web, minimizing pollution, congestion, habitat loss and urban sprawl. 80% of our Handbags and accessories are bought directly from local customers. Sells On The Go offers merchandise for both men and women and is more fashionable than your regular thrift store. We hand pick the most desirable items from the public that can be resold. Our prices range widely depending on the label, style, condition and other factors. Many items average around $75. Designer items are higher in price, but our prices are far lower than retail.
Selling for the first time? Call Sells On The GO at 630-410-9993 and ask what they're currently buying to get an idea of what we're looking for.Send pictures of merchandise anytime we're open . Let us know it's your first time selling to us, and we'll walk you through the process. Sells On The Go is consignment store -- if we accept your items, you can get cash or trade on the spot. You'll get the most money for your items if you're willing to accept trade instead of cash for your items.